
Fully Giving Vent

 ~ Quite often we see Proverbs 29:11 as: Fools give full vent to  their rage , but the wise bring calm in the end. (NIV) Or A fool gives full vent to  his anger , but a wise person holds it in check. Or A fool lets fly with all  his temper ,  but a wise person keeps it back. ~  The Hebrew has the words  "his spirit"  for the above. Ruach can mean either spirit or breath. A fool lets out all of  his spirit , But a wise man holds it back. (LSB) A fool gives all  his breath,  but  the  wise holds back in quiet. (LEB) A fool gives full vent to  his spirit , but a wise man quietly holds it back. (ESV)  The above use of  spirit  makes the best sense...  I once saw a girl bawl at the baggage check-in at an airport. I don't remember exactly what happened, but whatever it was, it really seriously was not the end of the world. And of all the people there, no one struck a note of sympathy. Why? Perhaps it was because the way that she went about her bawl, it really seemed like this w